#27 - WPF Puzzle GP R7 2022 Practice Puzzles
This is an archival post of puzzles I once posted on Discord, but felt nice to have posted here as well. I created quite a few practice puzzles for the WPF Puzzle GP Round 7 in 2022 (instruction booklet and competition puzzles are found here), as it contained quite a few puzzles or variants I was unfamiliar with. Most practice puzzles have a similar difficulty level to the point distribution of the contest puzzles. I was quite happy with the general quality of the puzzles, which I had to set within the time span of a few days.
1. Easy As ABC - 8 points
Place letters of the specified list into some cells, no more than one letter per cell, so that each letter appears exactly once in each row and column. The letters outside the grid indicate the first letter that can be seen in the respective row or column from the respective direction. Some letters may already be filled in for you. Some cells might be marked with a cross; do not put any letters into those cells.
2. Easy As ABC (no singles) - 53 points
Place letters of the specified list into some cells, no more than one letter per cell, so that each letter does not appear exactly once in each row and column. The letters outside the grid indicate the first letter that can be seen in the respective row or column from the respective direction. Some letters may already be filled in for you. Some cells might be marked with a cross; do not put any letters into those cells. (Note that a letter can appear zero times, two times, or more within a row or column.)
3. Akari - 24 points
Locate some “light bulbs” in the grid such that every white cell is “lit up”. Each bulb occupies a single white cell, and lights up its own cell, as well as white cells in the four orthogonal directions until the light beam encounters a black square or the edge of the grid. A bulb may not illuminate another light bulb. All white cells must be lit up by at least one bulb. A given number in a black cell indicates how many cells orthogonally adjacent to it are occupied by bulbs.
4. Akari (Diagonal Clues) - 11 points
Locate some “light bulbs” in the grid such that every white cell is “lit up”. Each bulb occupies a single white cell, and lights up its own cell, as well as white cells in the four orthogonal directions until the light beam encounters a black square or the edge of the grid. A bulb may not illuminate another light bulb. All white cells must be lit up by at least one bulb. A given number in a black cell indicates how many cells diagonally (not orthogonally) adjacent to it are occupied by bulbs.
7. Arukone (Filled) - 4 points
Some cells in the grid are marked with numbers; each number appears exactly twice and no cell contains more than one number. For each pair of identical numbers, draw a path that connects those two numbers. The paths must go through orthogonally adjacent cells. Each cell must be visited by exactly one path, and may not be visited more than once by that path.
8. Arukone (Filled, CrossCount) - 95 points
Some cells in the grid are marked with numbers. Draw paths that connect identical numbers; each number must be an endpoint of a path. The paths must go through orthogonally adjacent cells. Each cell must be visited by at least one path. Paths can intersect, but only when two paths are going straight through the same cell. (A path may not intersect itself.) The numbers at the endpoint of a path must indicate the number of intersections the path goes through. The contents of some cells may be given. No additional paths may be added to those cells.
9. Hitori - 14 points
Remove some cells from the grid so that all remaining cells are connected orthogonally and no two removed cells are adjacent orthogonally. Additionally, for each row and each column, the numbers in the unremoved cells must be all different.
10. Futari - 82 points
Remove some cells from the grid so that all remaining cells are connected orthogonally and no two removed cells are adjacent orthogonally. Additionally, for each row and each column, no number may appear more than two times. If a number appears two times within a row or column, they must not be in touching cells.
11. Hidato - 31 points
Find a path which starts at one cell and encounters all other cells in the grid exactly once. Numbers provided in the cells indicate the order that cell is encountered along the path, where “1” is the starting cell, “2” is the next cell along the path, and so on. The path may only travel between cells that share an edge or a corner.
12. Hidato (Knight) - 103 points
Find a path which starts at one cell and encounters all other cells in the grid exactly once. Numbers provided in the cells indicate the order that cell is encountered along the path, where “1” is the starting cell, “2” is the next cell along the path, and so on. The path may only travel between cells that are a chess knight’s move apart (two cells in one direction and one cell in an orthogonal direction).
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